WCCM ECCM ECFD 2014 comprises a team of individuals with a common interest in computational mechanics and events promoting the field. Our prime focus and goal is the promotion of this course through information dissemination. Computational mechanics is an important aspect of application that drives many other things around us. That is why we are committed to sharing those information. We obtain our information from the past and upcoming conference information available to us.

Our Belief

Technology offers much more than we can think of. We can maximize all these through having relevant information handy. There may be some challenges in this field such as the awareness issue. It is our belief that with some measure of information, we can add our little effort to the good works started by notable organizations that organizes congress at scheduled intervals.

Computational mechanics is an important aspect of application that drives many other things around us.

We believe that scientific innovations and new developments can go faster into application when necessary awareness is made on the subject. Every one of us has a right to technology and therefore has a part to play by making adequate and quality information available to others. We have a responsibility to pass on the message of computational mechanics not just to those around but for the upcoming generations to have a good foundation to build on.

Our Mission

At WCCM ECCM ECFD 2014 our commitment is resolute. It is to provide information and reviews of upcoming events, conferences on computational mechanics. We shall continually review such events to help numerous readers make informed decisions on what it takes to attend the meetings. We hope through this platform inspire computational mechanics enthusiasts take steps on becoming active in computational mechanics through the conferences. We give ourselves to the cause of information sharing and believe to reach others in what we love doing the most.

We also hope to through this platform inspire computational mechanics enthusiasts to take steps on becoming actively involved

Our Vision

WCCM ECCM ECFD 2014 sees a world where computational mechanics transverses the global landscape and also appreciated by many through contribution to the development of the field and congresses that promote its growth.

Our Future

We should all enjoy the benefits that are offered by computational mechanics in our everyday life. We are hopeful of a future where the application of computational mechanics is widespread. We see a future where we can look back and be proud to say how much our little contribution through information on the subject matter has helped in a little way.

We are hopeful of a future where the application of computational mechanics is widespread.

We believe collaboration is the best way to go in achieving better results. The various congress organized by reputable international bodies have taken this path to bring together stakeholders for this purpose.

That is equally the path we have chosen and that is why we call on all to contribute to the development of computational mechanics the best way they can just as we are doing through this platform.