The Presentation By Prof. Alexander M. Korunsky

Great industrial applications starts from theoretical formulation which are later presented to an audience who are equally ready to embrace a good path to be part of history. Projects and paper presentation gives that opportunity to let the world know what you have in stock to launch in the future. Papers on new methods, applications and innovations in technology are always a delight to those who value the place of discovery in any scientific endeavor.

Experts and researchers do this often in their career as academics. Here is a presentation delivered by one of the known names in computational mechanics.

Projects and paper presentation gives that opportunity to let the world know what you have in stock to launch in the future.

Prof. Alexander M. Korunsky is a professor at the Department of engineering sciences at the University of Oxford. He has delivered many papers that have won him several recognitions as an expert in the field of computational mechanics. His papers cover keys areas of application such as in radiography, materials sciences and many others of his expertise in practice.


Prof. Alexander M. Korunsky is a professor at the Department of engineering sciences at the University of Oxford


At the 2014 WCCMXI, which took place from 20 – 25 July in Barcelona for that year,  Prof. Alexander M. Korunsky was present and gave a presentation on an important aspect of computational mechanics. Here is an excerpt from the paper presentation:

Paper Title And The Focus

“A Simplified 2.5D Discrete Dislocation Dynamics Framework for Simulating the Deformation of Single Crystal Nickel Base Superalloys.”

The paper was co-presented with Siqi Ying.

The key focus of the presentation is on discrete dislocation dynamics, crystal plasticity, superalloys, creep and hardening.

From the paper, the choices of Ni-base superalloys for applications like gas turbine blades that are high temperature-oriented are getting widely accepted owing to their creep resistance and high strength. Specifically, the eradication of grain boundaries in single crystal components provides additional enhancement in creep performance in many demanding applications. He explains how this applies in the paper using computational methods and techniques to drive home his points.

The key focus of the presentation is on discrete dislocation dynamics, crystal plasticity, superalloys, creep and hardening.

The Goal Of The Paper

The model created by the author is evidently an extension to the work done by Needleman framework and Van der Giessen by setting up a model that solves the single crystal superalloys problem in previous models presented by other experts who have worked on similar research.

The Model Of Choice By The Author

The present study uses a 2.5D modeling setup as discrete dislocation dynamics (DDD). 4 slip planes like the FCC crystal model were considered. In addition to this, both climb and glide dislocation motion were also considered in demonstrating the interaction between cuboidal conclusions and edge dislocations.

The choice of the 2.5 Model is a follow up on the initial work done on 2.5D dislocation dynamics model presented by Gaucherin et al showing the lattice orientation effect which succeeded in capturing isotropic and kinematic hardening under cyclic loading.


The present study uses a 2.5D modeling setup as discrete dislocation dynamics (DDD). 4 slip planes like the FCC crystal model were considered.


In this current study, the setup has been improved to better solve the problem arising from single crystal superalloys where dislocations get squeezed in channel paths.

The result provided by the simulation gives a basic account of the collaboration between climb and glide during the increased temperature motion of dislocations in Ni-base superalloys, which includes dislocation accumulations in the location of cyclic strain hardening and varying interfaces.

Author’s Bio

A reputable name in the academia, Prof. Alexander M. Korsunsky has many positions to his career. He is presently a professor of Engineering science, University of Oxford and also a Fellow of Trinity College. He is a well-known expert in the application of neutrons, X-rays, ion and electron beams and mechanical probes in engineering structures and microscopy materials. He is the head of the Multi-Beam Laboratory for Engineering Microscopy at the University of Oxford. He is a consultant at Rolls Royce Plc. He is the editor-in-chief of Materials & design.

For other important papers presented by Prof. Alexander M. korsunsky in conferences, you can find his other contributions in conferences organized by IACM or ECCOMAS.